搜狐体育讯 云南是奥运火炬在我国境内传递的第12个省、第二个西部省区。明天,广西百色的火炬接力结束后,奥运圣火将于6月9日上午抵达云南,于6月9日、10日、11日分别在昆明、丽江和迪庆香格里拉进行传递,下面是丽江站联想火炬手简要介绍。
【Alan Munro】
My name is Alan and I am Managing Director of Lenovo Australia/New Zealand. I have a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Otago and a Diploma in Teaching from Dunedin Teachers College, New Zealand. I have a keen interest in all sports and
I'm a very keen participant, follower and supporter of many sports and passionate about the Olympic movement ideals and spirit. I attended the Olympics in Atlanta and Sydney as a spectator which cemented my passion for the Olympic movement. I was deligh
【Amelyn Reyes】
My name is Ammy Reyes and I am from Lenovo Sydney.
I consider myself lucky in being given this once in a lifetime opportunity to be an Olympic Torchbearer. Knowing that not everyone gets this chance makes it even more special. I am very excited and am looking forward to it.
【Brent Allan Henley】
My name is Brent Henley and I am the Chief Financial officer for Lenovo ANZ. I am married to Lisa with 2 sons, Robbie and Michael and live on Sydney's Northern beaches. I enjoy playing sports such as cricket, football and skiing and also going to the loca
My motivation to become a torchbearer stems from a 25 year association with sport in Australia and around the world. I know this is a once in a lifetime chance to run with the olympic torch in a part of the world that I would otherwise never get the chan
【Chris Quin】
I am Chris Quin, I am the General Manager for Gen-I new Zealand
Over the last three years Chris has led the merger and transformation of three diverse organisations into one cohesive identity, and today leads one of Australasia’s fastest growing and innovative ICT services businesses. Chris’ success in managing the
【Joanne Goh】
I’m Joanne and I’m the territory team-lead responsible for overall PC and value-added services revenue and profit targets in the Victorian & Tasmanian channel markets for Lenovo Australia/New Zealand Pty Ltd. My main responsibility lies in the overall a
Being an Olympic Torchbearer is itself an enormous privilege. However representing Lenovo is what makes it the highest honor of all. I was a previous IBM PCD employee before joining Lenovo and have lived through the many changes that uniquely shape our co
【Rodney Boys】
I am the General Manager of Information Technology and Supply Chain for Bunnings. Bunnings is a Do it your self Home improment retailer with approximately $USD4b in sales annually. Bunnings is a strong supporter of Lenovo and also China with a significa
The Olympics represents the best in the world, it also represents equality and world cooperation and harmony. To be part of the Olympics in any form would be a privelage. To be a torchbearer is a rare opportunity and to do it once in my lifetime would b
【Russell Ginley】
My name is Russell Ginley and i am an account executive with Lenovo Sydney
Russell exemplifies the attributes of trust & integrity, Innovation, high customer service: I believe building trust and integrity across cultures is no different from building trust elsewhere. Trust and integrity are attributes appreciated across all
【Sebastien Flute】
Archery Olympic champion 1992
To continue to share the emotion of the olympic games
【Tim Fleming】
I am Tim Flemming, I am the CEO for Deloitte
I am very passionate about the Olympic movement. I would be honoured to be given the once in a life time opportunity to carry the Olympic torch.
马滨涛 男 1988年参加新闻工作,现任昆明市都市是报编委。在都市是报长期主持文体新闻工作,策划和实施报道奥运宣传方案。时报问题版面获得社会广泛认同和赞誉。多次获得省市新闻奖。2006年,获昆明市十佳新闻工作者荣誉称号
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