* Risk assessment - safest way?
* Ladders 梯子
* Steps 台阶
* Mobile tower scaffold 活动脚手架
* Other ? 其他?
Ladder safety 安全使用梯子的方法
* Firm footing 梯子支撑要牢固
* Angle one out to four up 角度如图所示
* Secure or foot 梯脚要牢固
* Where ladder rests 应放在安全的地方
* No overreaching 不要伸得过远
Stepladders 折叠楼梯
* Damaged or worn treads/stiles 损坏或磨损的踏步/立柱
* Frayed or missing ropes 绳子磨损或失踪
* Cracks and splits 裂纹或断开
* Repairs 修复
* Paint 油漆
Mobile tower scaffolds 活动脚手架
* Erected by trained person 由受过培训的人士搭设
* Firm ground 确保地面牢固
* Outriggers 装有外伸支架
* Access 通路
* Edge protection 边角的保护
* Inspection 检查
* Move / no people /obstructions
Mobile elevated work platforms移动升降平台
* Trained operator 受过培训的操作人员
* Guard rail / toe board 需有栏杆和挡脚板
* Firm ground / stabilisers 地面牢固
* Safe Working Load not exceeded 不要超载
* Inspection 检查
* Hazard warning 对危险隐患的警告
* Movement 移动