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奥运频道-2008北京奥运会 > 奥运活动 > 第四届国际少儿艺术大展 > 少儿艺术大展动态

艺术展新加坡新闻发布会召开 毓晏出席并发言

   December 3, 2007

  (Speech by Yu Yan, the Secretary-general, at the news conference in Singapore )

  Ladies and gentlemen,

  Good morning.

  I’m glad to attend this news conference today. Here, I’d like to, on behalf of the four organizers of A World in Harmony and Passing on Love-Marching towards 2008----the 4th International Children’s Art Exhibition, namely China International Exhibition Agency of Ministry of Culture, China Foundation for Human Rights Development, Municipal UNESCO Clubs Association and Beijing Passing on Love Culture Development Center, and Mr. Chen Xiangning, representative of China International Exhibition Agency of Ministry of Culture, extend sincere appreciation to Care﹠Support Association (Singapore)for its invitation, and sincerely thank and warmly welcome all guests attending the conference, who come from all circles.

  Marching towards 2008----International Children’s Art Exhibition, approved by Ministry of Culture of People’s Republic of China, has been held for 3 sessions since 2002, the anniversary that Beijing won the 2008 Olympic Games bid. The goal of the large serial activity is to sow the seeds of peace, friendship and love in children’s hearts all over the world, to let them understand the great Olympic spirit, which is embodied by the essence of Hand in Hand and Building Friendship and Love. Chinese president Hu Jintao proposed to build a harmonious world at the UN assembly and appealed to create a harmonious world with long-lasting peace and common prosperity in his new-year delivery in 2006. This appeal has become the core and theme of the 4th session of International Children’s Art Exhibition.

  It has long been my ideal and goal of life to raise the awareness of love among people and to build a harmonious society and a world at large, which I believe could be achieved through the activity of Passing on Love, by not only appeal but also practice. Thanks to the support from people from all circles, we are approaching the great destination steadily, which is indicated by the successful launching of the press conference we are holding here in Singapore today.

  As Secretary-general of Organizing Committee of the International Children’s Art Exhibition from the 1st to the 4th session, I know well that the organizing work was, is and will be heavy and arduous. So, I’d like to, on behalf of all members of the Organizing Committee, to extend appreciation to fellow colleagues of Care﹠Support Association (Singapore), which is in charge of the organization work in Singapore, and extend thanks to all friends supporting the work in Singapore, and wish you a great success.

  Further more, I also would like to send my regards to Singaporean children and wish you could have fine performance in the contest and qualify for the final, which would be held in Beijing. Warm-hearted and friendly Chinese children are greeting you. And Beijing, a beautiful city with a long history, is greeting you.

  Finally, please allow me to extend my thanks sincerely to the host again.

  Thank you.


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