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    搜狐体育讯 我谨代表国际奥林匹克委员会,对北京大学举办的“2008奥运•冠军论坛”表达最美好的祝愿。






 On the behalf of the International Olympic Committee, I am pleased to express my best wishes to Peking University on the Forum What Makes a Champion? TM Beijing 2008. From August 4th to August 5th, on the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, What Makes a Champion? TM Forum will take place at Peking University, in conjunction with celebration of the 110th anniversary of Peking University. The mission of the Forum guided by Professor Allen Snyder from the University of Sydney Centre for the Mind, is to extend the Olympic spirit and promote mutual understanding from the dimension of humanism by bringing together prominent leaders from the world of sports—business, culture and government with the young elites from all over China. I am also heartened to see your relentless effort to boost the image of the People’s Olympics, one of the three themes of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and to enhance the Olympic movement through this ideal platform. I am confident that with Peking University’s dedication under the full support of BOCOG, this forum will prove to be a highlight in the history of the Olympic movement and greatly enhance the intellectual element to Olympism in Beijing 2008. I wish you well for this exciting event.


 Jacques Rogge


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