Beijing Olympic Torch Relay Sichuan will be performed on Aug.3rd to 5th. The Olympic Torch Relay Sichuan Press Center has begun to accept the application of media from outside mainland China. Relevant instructions are listed as follows:
Registration and Application
Please fill out the application forms including personal information, coverage of Sichuan Torch Relay, and the contacts of your agency as required and return it by e-mail to or fax to 028-86647432.
Press Card Release
1、All the journalists applying to report the torch relay in Sichuan province should get the press card for Sichuan torch relay coverage on July 31st at Sichuan Press Center, (No.1 meeting Hall,Jinhe Hotel ,No.18 Jinhe Road, Chengdu, Sichuan), Registration cards issued by MPC or BIMC together with valid credentials should be produced at the time of press card collection.
2、The press card is only functional in the cities of torch relay and is considered invalid for news coverage in other cities. Should interviews in earthquake-stricken areas be necessary, special press cards are required.
You will find more relevant information concerning the torch relay in Sichuan at
You could call the press center 86-28-86164036 to contact us.
Beijing Olympic Torch Relay Sichuan Press Center
July 23th ,2008
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