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搜狐体育讯 无论比赛进行到第几天,奥运会的氛围始终笼罩着全世界。即使在俄罗斯西南部的动荡局势不断升温,但是在“奥运会期间停止一切军事冲突”的纲领指引下,俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚的运动员在北京互相拥抱而不是拳脚相加。
Day one, or day three, or day five. The Olympics are here, they started, the world came to Beijing and even a war in the middle of the Russia, makes people here forget peace.
When they invented what is called “ The Olympic Truce”, they sure knew what they were talking about. Russian and Georgian athletes in Beijing do not fight: they hug and ask for peace.
Day two, or day four, who cares? Each one of Us here in China, and anyone following the Olympics in any part of the world, has their one, single, unique and unforgettable moment.
I have mine. The first, I am sure, of a few more to come..
Day one, two, three, four of the 2008 Olympic Games. People are running. From Wuanfuxing mall and huge screens, to the modern and hot subways, from their hotels, from Ya Chow and Pearl Markets. People are zapping fromCCTV 1 to CCTV 2 and on and on, just trying to grab the next win, the new medalist, the great game, the following record, the idol of the games.
I don’t want that!
I don’t want war.
Sure, I do not want this crazy race after tickets, the rain that cancels the tennis matches, or the fight for medals at any price.
I do not want Ronaldinhos and Lebron James and other millionaires like Nadal and Federer at the Olympics.
They have their professional leagues: leave us alone with a little bit of real sport, where money is still not the most important thing.
Days of the Olympics runs fast. Very quick, we are all forgetting the joy and party, and people in the streets, when there was no games to watch, but the Olympics were a reason to travel from the other side of the world ( Idid it!), or to meet the nieighbours and try to find out how would be the opeining cerimony.
No medal counting, but exchange of pins in the streets.
Fireworks, trying to guess what is the stuff inside the dumplings and and Yao Ming walking in the Bird’s Nest with a boy that came all the way from the earthquake area.
This is the Olympics I want! With Iraq being accepted and applauded, with hundreds of thousand of volunteers helping and smiling. With that cool journalist girl from Cyprus keep photographing and buying everything to her family.
Small countries, small victories, little moments.
Those I want.
Common people with heart. The ones that make the small moment, something as huge as the Water Cube, as giant as the love of Chinese people for the games, as the efforts of citizens to keep the city clean, safe and beautiful.
That is what I want.
And that is what I got. That and so much more. A tear came down, the heart beat faster, the joy iside was pure and true.
Exactely as was the victory of this small but giant young lady.
She lifted everyone of us on her shoulders, when she won the gold medal.
Day one, day two, three , four, who cares: Chen Xiexia did her job so well, won it so sincerely and honestly, that she became , for me, the image of those games.
Thank you, Xiexia. Thank you for showing, immediately in the begginning that I am not talking non-sense. That money is less than honr. That doing it for your country, that doing it with your heart, without thinking of how to get sponsors, and smiling to your fans and people, is more important.
You know, Xiexia, I never followed weightlifting. It is really small in my country. We do have, though, people like you: that do their thing smiling. We have football players that still go for the fun of it. Thye want victory like everyone else. They want the medals, the championships, like any star of sports in the world.
But they do it having fun.
Like you did it.
There are many beautiful girls in Dutch Hockey, amazing swimmers from the United States and beautiful volleyball players in Brazil.
But you, little Chen, showed me why it is still possible to enjoy sports, and have fun with it, and above all, of how not to forget that being “ cool” is, at the end also being just yourself.
And you were.
On top of those 117 kilos you lifted, there were smiles of 1 billion people. Sorry…1 billion and three hundred thousand Chinese, that know you more than ever, because you were the first , the one that opened the medal counting for the host country: your China!!
And that smile, so sincere, that race you give from the central stage, and jumped to the arms and neck of your coach…
You know, Chen, I can lift at most, I tried yesterday at the gim where I am staying, maximum 87 kilograms. And I have 88 kilos.
How do you do to be only 48 kilos and lift 95 kilos???
You must use also your heart to do that. Because a small girl from Guangdong made a nation smile, made everyone feel good and optimistic.
I saw you singing the National Anthem of China. Can I tell you a secret? this my 6th Olympic Games coverage. And since 1996, I decided to be at the Olympics, but not to care about the sports results, and follow the streets of the cities, the people and the colours and sounds of the places that welcome the world for the Games.
And sometimes, small details are more important than big events.
When I saw you singing the national Anthemn, so strongly, so much looking like a happy child, every word came out of your mouth with joy, I must tell you that I never seen that in any Olympic Games !
You wrapped yourself with a big Chinese flag, thinking of the country you defend its colours, not thinking about yourself.
You kissed the medal, hugged your opponents from Turkey and from Chinese Taipei.
Then, as if all that was not enough, I hear you singing in a T show a song that was as beautiful as your smile. And, exactely like a little girl, you were not ashamed, sang it all , from beginning to the end, and still behave like a person. Not like someone that few hours before won the very first gold medal for China, the first of all women here. The first of many of your country.
You made my day!
Thank you for that. Thanks you for that explosion of human emotions you brought into that Olympic Games.
You did it like no other athlete did. A little woman that embraces and displays , at every move, the real Olympic Spirit.
People should learn from you.
Another thing, friend Xiexia…no two things: is your family name the same as when say “ thank You” in Chinese ?
And second thing, to ask you: please, never change, ok ? Continue to be so smiley, so sincere, so authentic. The world of sports needs much more people like you!
I tell you a secret, but do not tell anyone, ok, Chen, my friend? The good people at Sohu.com, asked me also to write about the first medal of thos games.
The one that the Czech Katerina Emmons won a few moments before you. She did at the 10-meter air rifle. She is Czech.
Bu tmarried to an American Olympic shooter! Mr. Matt Emmons. They met during the games in Athens, four years ago. Isn’t it a great story? Yes, but,…
You are a lot more interesting: you won it and were not afraid of showing your emotions.
Of showing your human side.
Katerina from Czech Republic also won it. The very first gold of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
Good really good. But you were better.
You are my hero!